This is why using a home LoanDepot loan calculator before getting a loan is a smart move. By using this calculator, you can exactly know how much loan amount to take and what the monthly installments will be. Based on your present salary and expected expenses, you can determine whether to go ahead and take the loan. A higher loan amount will mean higher rates of interest and higher monthly installments. So be extremely careful and don't take too high an amount if you cannot afford to pay it back.A home loan calculator is a marvelous online tool for those who need to know how big a loan they can afford, how much income you will need to be eligible for a specific loan amount, whether to take a fixed or adjustable rate of interest, period of the loan and more. Remember realty mortgages or home loans are usually long term commitments of at least 30 years. Calculate your age and see if you can still be able to continue your repayments in the future. Some people seek home refinance options if the prevailing interest rates are low and use the new loan to payback existing home loans.